
Heart-Based Life Strategy Consultation and Life Coaching.

Helping you to love the parts you’ve kept hidden for so long through connecting you back to the owner’s manual you came here with, so you can own the life you came to live.

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1:1 Charts + Channeling

Astrology is a practical tool for self-realization. It provides a map of what you came into this life to do and shows you the tools you innately possess to address challenges and fulfill your life’s purpose. Far from being a predestined prescription for your life, your natal chart is a guide, which when used in conjunction with your free will, is mutable and adaptable to whatever is required of you in the moment.

Human Design takes astrology to a higher octave. Using the same information as conventional astrology (birth date, time and place), the Human Design system charts not only your conscious personality, but also your unconscious design. Human Design interprets your life path through a “Bodygraph” rather than a natal chart and offers strategies for overcoming conditioning, so you can get on with creating the the life you crave.


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Family Constellations & Astrology

Just like we inherit DNA, we inherit family trauma (epigenetics). Family constellations is a tool to heal wounds from an ancestral source of trauma.

Done in groups or individually, systemic constellation work identifies the source of inherited wounds so the “knowing field” can offer resources for addressing the origins of trauma and clearing entanglements and imbalances in family systems. The healing not only gets to the root of the client’s pain point and heals it but also resonates through subsequent generations.

In short, systemic constellations clears obstacles to moving forward in your life with intention and clears the way for your entire lineage to experience freedom from multigenerational patterns of victimization and physical and psychological suffering.



Tarot Reading at Events

Give the gift of guidance at your next event.

We are all faced with critical decisions at one moment or another during the course of our lifetime. As relational beings, when we are at a crossroads, we are inclined to seek guidance from a source that feels wiser than ourselves. We turn to God (or Source) or intimate friends and family who know us well for direction. Rarely does it occur to us to consult the source closest to us: our own Essential or “Higher” Self.

I am an interpreter of what your Essential Self wants to share with you. My unique psychic gift allows me to "hear" the dictates of your soul’s path as they reveal themselves to you through me.


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 Kind Words